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Ollaan iframessa
42nd annual Nordic V/U/SHF meeting

Welcome to the V/U/SHF meeting webshop!

As the registration system is designed for computer events the accommodation options are listed as "Computer places" - sorry for the confusion.

As an unregistered user you can see which cottages/rooms are still available. For other tasks you need to register.

Webshop orders are non-refundable (binding, no returns accepted), but you're still allowed to transfer your ordered services to another person before the event if you cannot attend yourself. If the whole event gets cancelled, webshop orders will be refunded.

Please visit RATS V/U/SHF meeting page for more information.
Before shopping, read these instructions carefully!

How to shop?

  1. Register / login
    1. We encourage every visitor to register themselves to simplify matters at check-in.
    2. Enter your callsign as the nick name
    3. If you, however, book for the whole family at once, please write all names (and callsigns) in the text field on the products page.
  2.  Click "Shop" > "Purchase tickets" on the left panel.
  3. Choose products
    1. Entrance fee is mandatory for all participants
    2. Note that most of the products have early bird discounts until 17.4.
    3. Choose the meals you want 
    4. Choose the accommodation. One of the registered visitors pays the cabin for the whole group.
    5. Write in the text field any comments you have for the organisers.
  4. Click "Buy"
  5. Check your order and click on the selected payment method to pay.
    1. If you need to edit the order, please contact us at before paying.
    2. Please prefer bank payment. Credit card payments are more expensive for the organisers.
  6. Choose the cabin by clicking the link on the confirmation page or "Shop" > "Reserve places" on the left panel.
    1. Lock your reservation after choosing.
With any questions or problems, don't hesitate to contact us at